me news

there’s something wrong with this bike


…back in 2009 I began pestering friends and random strangers. I would walk up to them with a pen and a sheet of paper asking that they immediately draw me a men’s bicycle, by heart. Soon I found out that when confronted with this odd request most people have a very hard time remembering exactly how a bike is made. Some did get close, some actually nailed it perfectly, but most ended up drawing something that was pretty far off…


hilarious project by italian designer gianluca gimini and a great idea/way to do some self-promotion for himself… check them out here (via ‘wired) and see also this project of mine from back in 2008


m / 15-08-2016 11:17 - tags: , , ,  

type hunters – kunstuur


check out this charming little documentary from dutch TV show ‘kunstuur’ called type hunters, which follows four typographers (erik spiekermann & bas from ‘underware’ amongst others) who discuss the type in their city and what it means to them

(still available online, for a limited time and in dutch only)


on a related note also check this website lost fonts of amsterdam


(thanks to peter kortleve) for the tip

m / 11-08-2016 11:51 - tags: , , , ,  


wow, just checked and it works… #playingrecordswithafivepoundnote #bluemonday

A video posted by me studio – Martin Pyper (@me_images) on

i was in the UK last week and got hold of the new (plastic) five pound note, which has an interesting bonus feature…

m / 11-08-2016 08:24 - tags: , , ,  



an amazing shot of planet earth as seen from the hubble telescope which i came across this week (sorry couldn’t find the correct credit)

‘too good to be true’ update:
many thanks to designer sjoerd kulsdom for pointing me to this link, which actually explains that it is fake, oh well…

m / 10-08-2016 12:13 - tags: , , ,  

3D me


the misses and i got our very own 3D selfies made recently, it’s a fascinating experience to see yourself reduced down to 10 cm tall

even though the details are still quite rough with 3D printing at this stage in its life-cycle; there is just enough detail and form there to be able to recognise yourself unmistakably… it’s almost eerie in fact

m / 08-08-2016 10:54 - tags: , , ,