me news

cut and paste and cut

i am working on some new design stuff for my client ‘facade’

it all ties in to a large open air exhibition involving thoudands of square meters of recycled advertising billboard plastic and a spectacular lake with fake sailing boats, starting later this month all over the place in amsterdam, more news soon…

m / 19-05-2010 11:50 - tags:  

me shop

i have a small print run of the ‘generations’ poster i designed recently (B1 size) lying here in the studio, if you’re interested in getting hold of one let me know…

it won’t cost a lot but it’s also not free…

m / 19-05-2010 11:31 - tags: ,  

hot off the press

visiting printers to sign-off work usually means spending two hours in dense traffic for an average of 10 minutes spent asking the man in dirty overalls to make it ‘a bit more green, but also slightly more red & a bit less green… if possible…thank you’
so today was no exception and the above result is what i came home with almost four hours later… it was worth it

m / 18-05-2010 00:48 - tags: ,